An apple - Not orange.
Upload this new skin I just made. Took about 3 hours to do... Simple yet nice. To me its nice since I did it. If you have nothing better to say then I suggest you go turn to something soild, preferbably a wall and walk straight into it.
Ok TagBoard is not up yet. Will get it up sometime soon. Just created this because I need some place to write everything. I don't wanna revert to my old writing of foolscape papers >_< Because I wrote fully 3 pieces which equates 6 full pages but its gone now. At least, I still can keep my blogging post unless Bloggers server crash. Well if it crashes then I guess they will suffer tons of complains =)
Will update later again. This first post is just a testing post. Wanna see its alignment only.
I have the past 2weeks stuff to add in. And some other stuff. So will have multiple entires today.
Don't ask why Not an apple. I wanted "A pink apple" But lol too lazy to change the apple color to pink.
Daniel - A pink apple for you?
Friday, April 21, 2006
11:50 AM