You and me. You and Me .comment-link {margin-left:.6em;}
 310107 - Feelings...

In the office now. I am feeling very uneasy right now or should I say since this moring.


Daniel - A pink apple for you?

Wednesday, January 31, 2007
4:59 PM 

 Time goes by...

I am listening to this song. Quite nice song.

Artist: Spice Girls
Album: Forever
Title: Time Goes By

I've never had a feeling so right
Like I have with you Can't explain the things you do
But boy when you tell me softly you love me too

It's like I know we were meant to be
So for eternity you will have a part of me
And all I need is for you to stay right here with me - yeah
Time goes by but we stand still (know it does, I know does)
Love you for eternity I will (I will)
I know that we were meant to be (we were meant to be, my love)
That's how I feel when you're with me
You are the reason that my heart beats
And no I never thought, I would ever fall so deep
But now I see that the love that we share
Is oh so sweet
What if I told you that I believe (believe)
That you are my soul, my destiny (my destiny, yeah)
What if I was to say
In every way
Deep in my heart is where you'll be (time)
Time goes by but we stand still (I'm still right here)
Love you for eternity I will (I'll never go)
I know that we were meant to be (we were meant to be)
That's how I feel when you're with me (how I feel, when you're with me)
Time goes by but we stand still (oh time, oh time)
Love you for eternity I will (eternity I will)
I know that we were meant to be (we were meant, baby love)
That's how I feel when you're with me
As you hold me close so tenderly
And watch you fall to sleep
I see in you the one who now completes (you the one)
The half of me I used to be (I used to be)
Time goes by but we stand still
Love you for eternity I will (eternity I will)
I know that we were meant to be (were meant to be)
That's how I feel when you're with me (feel when you're with me baby)
Time goes by but we stand still (but we always stand still, babe)
Love you for eternity I will (stand still babe, and I know)
I know that we were meant to be (yes we were)
That's how I feel when you're with me
Time goes by but we stand still
Love you forever, yes I will
I know we're meant to be
That's how I feel baby .

I have this album I think haha~ need to dig it out soon.

Daniel - A pink apple for you?

Monday, January 29, 2007
3:21 PM 

 Who I am now...

Who I am now will be who I am 3 years later. Daniel shall not have much changes or should I say, too much dramatical changes. Maybe Army will toughen me up but, Daniel will always be Daniel.

The Clam, rational, mild temper Daniel will always be Daniel.

Daniel - A pink apple for you?

Sunday, January 21, 2007
11:17 PM 

 210107 - Changi Beach

Went to laogong place to let him use the laptop because his laptop is down.

After that we "nua" abit until 5+? Walk back to my place to get my laptop AC cable and the 8days(Hu tu de wo) forgot about it. I even forgot laogong umbrella. But will be passing back to him on tuesday. =)

After that we went changi beach to have dinner. Ipoh hor fan and Wanton mee. After dinner, We went to buy this "jampulak" + "green bean paste" thingin. I don't know the actual name of it though.

After that, we went strolling at Changi beach. Sit down, take some pictures enjoy the cool breeze. Very nice, very romantic. ahhh Its a feeling very nice nice feeling that is hard to describe. :D

After that, we went home. That's all for today.

Today is the 1week that we have been together. 1 week will become 1 month, 1 month will become 1 year, 1 year will be come 1 lifetime.

Daniel - A pink apple for you?

12:01 PM 

 200107-Embrassing moments.

I guess everyone have their embrassing moments.

Mine?? haha. Yeah Most probably would be today then. I shall not say it but its really embrassing for me.

Have a great day ahead all. ^^

Daniel - A pink apple for you?

11:58 AM 

 170102 - Tired day

Monday/Tuesday - Long hours work. Actually not really very long but RP DO NOT HAVE RECEPTION IN THEIR EXAM HALL. That's why very bored.

Met laogong on both days.

Monday laogong pei me go have dinner and I pei him go get his diary. After that we went home. Gave laogong a kiss that night too. So happy.

Tuesday, after work at RP, rush down to cityhall. To meet up with Laogong, Shahul and friend(dien) and James. After that Ian and menfred(Sp) met us. We went MS foodloft to have dinner. I was hungry because yesterday nvr had lunch because od the WOW event, RP open house event human resource got cut down. But luckily I wasn't at the WOW event because its from 9am-10pm (13hourS).

After dinner, we walk around, laogong go get "niu she bing" then we went to the Merlion to sit down and talk.

After that, we went home. Took bus 12 back with laogong. Was very tired ytd night. Kinda have this fan wei feeling. >_<

I type until here first.

EDIT: Oh ya. I re-did the banner le :D. But I reused the same colors because I can't find a right green color on the color platellet. >_<

Daniel - A pink apple for you?

Wednesday, January 17, 2007
2:05 PM 

 140107 - Will you...

*Below speech isn't the actual speech but its close enough. My memory isn't very good lately.

1204am~ Then so we were walking back, Anson, me and Shahul went back to the chalet. We were the last 3 people at the back yet the first 3 people to reach the room first. haha. Anyway yep, Shahul went to bathe.

So Anson and me, we lie down on the bed, then I said: "I still haven't ask you verbablly"

"You can ask me now." *knock knock*(James they all were outside the room)
"I'm not going to open the door until you ask me."

So Me ask ' Will you be my boyfriend, Anson dear?'
"Yes I will be your boyfriend"

I was so happy. I wanted to give Anson dear a kiss but outside got pple waiting to come into the room. So couldn't let them wait too long also.

Yep so now, Anson Dear = My laoGong and I love my laogong. I've always love and trust my laogong. hehe.

I suffered some bruises during the course of the chalet.

Daniel - A pink apple for you?

Sunday, January 14, 2007
9:02 PM 

 130107 - The blessed day.

120107 - Friday ~ 11am: Went out with Anson dear to get some tibbits and some food for the BBQ.

~12.30pm: Done with the shopping. Then had lunch at Bedok Hawker center. Suddenly it rains heavily. After lunch, went home with him. It was pouring by then. Hoping that it would stop becasue there's a BBQ later on.

~4.30pm: Waited for Anson dear father to come because he is sending us to the chalet. It was a rush for Anson dear.

~5pm: Unloaded everything, walked to the lobby, took some photo and waited for shahul to come to check in.

~6pm: we check in, unpack everything, prepare the food and everything.It was still raining. Luckily Anson dear mother anticipated that the rain wont stop so, she had the food prepared before hand. Thank you~. After we done everything, Anson went to change.

~7pm~ 11pm: Anson friend's came. We had some games, food talking. It was still raining but isn't very heavy at that time. But its not dry enough to have a BBQ. Irwan bought pizza for us too. So nice of him. SO we played "Zong ji mi ma" haha. The "luckiest" person will have to eat the last of the pizza. Then soon, we presented the cake. It was a 2.5Kg Tiramisu cake baked by Shahul. It was good. The cake was good and really a very beautiful cake. So after cake cutting session, it was presenting gifts. Everyone passed Anson dear gifts except me. Hmm I coulden't pass it to him at that time even if I wanted too.

Haha, Shahul was giving that look when everyone was passing Anson dear present.
"Where you present? not passing to him?"

"You didn't bring the present?"
"I brought haha"

Hard to describe but it somewhat liek this lol...

So after opening of gifts, most of Anson's friends went home due to the last bus timing.

So left Anson, me, shahul, James, Benji, Loyd, Derrick. Irwan came abit later though. These were the few that stayed through out the 3 days.

130107 - ~12am: It stop raining soon after that I think. Everyone wish Anson dear happy brithday with a hug. It was the first time hugging Anson dear. So nice feeling. hehe. Very happy.

After that, we all settled down and I then passed Anson dear his present.

My gift was a book title "A gift of nothing" and a little birthday card I made.

I love the book alot. The book although its very simple, but it has alot of meaning. I really really like the book and was thinking that Anson dear would like the book too. Made a cover for it too. Actually its sort of like a bag to put the book in so that I wouldn't dirty the book. Used tracing paper to make the bag. haha.

A gift of nothing. =)

"Nothing... but you and me"

By then, I think I was blushing and I think I had tears in my eyes. ahhh I don't know why also haha. I think my face was very red at that time because I was very very scare. haha But scare of what I don't know.

But I am very happy that Anson dear likes the present alot. =)

~ After that, I think everyone went to bed. cos everyone was tired. ~

130107 ~ 11am: We had light breakfast at a foodcourt and then went Wild Wild Wet. I was abit hesitant to go down to the water at first but in the end, I just went down. I did had phobia of swimming haha. Long story but shall not type. Too much already.

After that went for lunch with the group. We went back to the room to rest after that, went for Dinner. ZAI dinner. THE FOOD WAS SO SALTY, BU SHI REN EAT DE. I know downtown east near the sea but they noneed to make their food so salty. After dinner, we went to McCafe and Benji and derrick had their coffee. After that we went to find Shahul and Loyd at the arcade.

Found them later, Anson dear don't like arcade so we decided to go back to the room but on the way back, we saw Ben&Jerry icecream so, we went to have Ice cream. After that we went to the beach. lol Don't know whose idea was it to ask Anson to have a speech. We had wine by the sea at pasir ris park. It didn't rain that heavily. Too say, it didn't actually rain. ^^ After that... continue next post...

Daniel - A pink apple for you?

8:56 PM 

 110107 - 'Evolution'

This is my pics from Sec 1 - sec 5 until now. haha.

This is me when I was sec 1
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

This was when I am sec 5
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I don't have my sec 2-4 pics. haha But you all can guess ba.

This pic isn't very recent. Took it last year I think.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

This is me now. Though not that clear.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

This is Daniel. :D

Daniel - A pink apple for you?

Wednesday, January 10, 2007
10:38 PM 

 100107 - yawn

Hmm.. these past 2 days, night seem to be longer >_>. Or maybe I sleep too much. *yawn*

Anyway, finish wrapping Anson dear de present and did a card. haha But just finish writing the card though.

Can't wait. Everytime after going out with him, I have this nice nice feeling which I never felt before even with my exs. Maybe then I was still young and didn't know anything. But its always a very happy feeling. Everynight I go to bed smiling and sleeping peacefully.

Last time with my ex, I always had bad dreams regarding them =.=" Its just weird. But those are the past, lets not talk about it le..

But now, with Anson, the feeling is very different than before. =)

Daniel - A pink apple for you?

12:26 PM 

 070107 - Dream

Feeling all groggy and not thinking well today. Elder sister woke me up in a middle of a dream and it pisses me off.

I am listening to a song by Sammi called Romeo & Juliet. Nice song.

Anyway, I had a very short dream, I dreamt that I was flipping through a photo album and I saw a picture with Anson in it, blowing his candle on his cake. He was wearing green color shirt in the picture. Don't know why having this dream his birthday haven't even come. Its this week though. =)

Tomorrow working already. I dread going back to that place. Not that it is not a good place but it's just me.

Tired tired tired...

Anyway today is the first month that I knew Anson. But it was a thursday when I know him. haha So today is the 1st month. So fast time passes.

Sian... I type until here. I don't know how to continue already cos of the abrupt dsturbance I had thanks to my sister.

Daniel - A pink apple for you?

Sunday, January 07, 2007
11:26 AM 

